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Hope: Living Frank’s Prayer, Part Five.

January 24, 2012

From long ago —

Where there is despair, 

let me sow hope.

“You know who needs encouragement?”  was the question.  “Everybody you meet.”

We need to remember an old song, “But I would not give you false hope, on this strange and mournful day.”

Our friend St. Paul: “Hope does not disappoint us, because God has poured out his love into our hearts by the Holy Spirit, whom he has given us.”  (Romans 5:5)

If we’re going to bring hope where there is despair, we’d better know the love and hope we already have as gifts from God.

Time to start living in the reality of the love and hope that God has already poured into us.

Who do you know that needs the loving encouragement that only truly profound hope can bring?

And what’s the first hopeful step you’ll take today to make that difference?

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