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Perfect Failures, Part One

January 17, 2012

Going into the 2011 National Finals, a rookie NCAA coach asked an experienced coach for advice.

“It’s not about being perfect,” began the advice from the UCLA Women’s Softball Coach.  “It’s about managing your failures.”

In between those two sentences is an understanding that everybody makes mistakes.

Part of the proper handling of our mistakes is learning from them.

My father had a great way of viewing the cost of lessons from mistakes:  “Call it tuition.”

I’ve paid a lot of that kind of tuition.  You, too?

Our friend St. Paul knew about mistakes.  Bad choices.  Sin.  He said we’ve all been there and done that.

And that he excelled in those failures.

So he prayed about it.  A lot.

This was the answer to those prayers: “He said to me, “My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.”  (2nd Corinthians 12:9)

More about this later…because, we’re also told in Matthew 5:48 to “Be perfect, like God in heaven is perfect”  Let’s think together about this.

Meanwhile, let’s remember that “It’s not about being perfect.  It’s about managing your failures.”

See you back here soon.

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  1. Sometimes I wonder if the best interpretation/translation of that verse is, “my power is made perfect in YOUR weakness.”


  2. Mistakeas R a Wunderfull opputnity 2 Lern.


  3. Guy Lajeunesse (aka Guy Young) permalink

    This is rich, Pastor Joe. Thanks so much. I will ponder….


  4. Nanette Traband permalink

    As stated at the third part of this, I am reading backwards to get to the first part of Frank’s Prayer examination. What I answerd on the third part is where I still fall. This is great as I feel I fail so often.


  5. Keep reading; keep commenting; thank you


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