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Perfect Failures, Part Two

January 25, 2012

Previously, in Perfect Failures, Part One — More about this later…because, we’re also told in Matthew 5:48 to “Be perfect, like God in heaven is perfect”  Let’s think together about this.—

John Maxwell recently advised this: “Stop working on your weakness.”

He asked what would have happened if you’d come home with a report card showing an A in math and C- in English.  His answer was that you’d have have been told to work harder in English class.

He said it’s time to stop that, since “You’re better at math than English.”

He concluded, “Stop working on your weakness.”

Seems to me that frees up more time and resources to work on your strengths.

But then how do “Be perfect, like God in heaven is perfect” and “My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness” fit together?

And how do we ever improve?

Looking forward to your input here.

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  1. Nina Morwell permalink

    I think “Stop working on your weaknesses” and “Be perfect, like God is perfect” fit together. I’ve heard that the Bible quote, in the original language, refers to something being perfect for its own job. That is, the way a hammer can be a perfect hammer, but it will never be the perfect tool for every job anyone ever thought of. We are each to be perfect for the job God made us for – not necessarily for every job that everyone ever thought of.

    And, “My grace is sufficient” rather covers everything else!


    • Thank you for this, Nina!

      Love that image of “a perfect hammer” but a lousy, oh let’s say dentist’s drill.

      And wow are we ever on the exact same page re: God’s grace…yup.


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