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Living Frank’s Prayer, Part Four

January 14, 2012

“Where there is doubt, let me sow faith.”

—Prayer of  St. Francis

A friend said, “I doubt that anybody has much faith anymore.”

Beyond the irony of that, you and I don’t have to look too hard for some shaky faith.

Maybe even faith that’s crumbling.

Or faith that has collapsed into honest doubt.

Where are some of those places?  Maybe a place like in the midst of  a troubled relationship.  Or a medical crisis.  Or woven between your questions about Christ and Christianity.  Where exactly?

Who are some of those people?  Maybe you and me.  Maybe someone we think has it all together, when they’re really just good at pretending.  Who in particular?

I believe that Natalie Sleeth is right: we sing her hymn of promise and proclaim with her that “In our doubt there is believing.”  Somebody say Amen.

How might you bring faith to those doubting people in those doubting places you thought of a moment ago?

I’d love to hear from you here, and will see you back here soon.

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  1. “not pious enough?” oh come come, amnd
    you meant, of course, that he was not “pious-faced.”

    yes, i have read your blogs and they are always good. always leave me with knowing that the person that wrote them was the person that wrote them.

    i’m still mulling over the idea of people telling you, “you don’t act like a pastor.” i’m sure you don’t look them in the face and say, “yeah, about that……..(holding up both hands, as if they contained Frosts’, “”Two Roads Diverged,”” you see it was a hard call between managing a rock and roll band and preaching.” That would be one way to cut to the chase and then no box could contain such a dichotomy of ambition, word would soon spread and alas, no more questions.

    i’m sure i’m sloshing something today. the acronym i always taught my children to knowing that joy, was J…esus, O…thers…Y….ou. so, i think i may be sloshing, OYJ, mostly, and YOJ, even though i would want to believe that my matins counted for something today.


  2. Nanette Traband permalink

    Natalie Sleeth’s Hymn of Promise and the conditions under which she wrote it has been one I even sing acapella when alone. Others around me don’t like it when I sing (which was just about every Sunday morning, hymns, at the top of my lungs, downstairs as they got ready for Sunday school and church and we can’t forget oldies and later the Christian station in the car. Since I am usually in their vehicles it is prohibited). Back to the Hymn of Promise, I would agree that doubt in believing is as strong as any believing.

    Bringing Faith to the people I thought of is bringing it in me, to sit in silence or to listen.


  3. Thanks for reading, and even more for your comments! Greatly appreciate you, Nanette.


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