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Praying in the Snow

January 12, 2012

Crazy day with our seven month old puppy.

It’s Martin’s first time seeing snow.

All of his favorite spots to stop and uhm, take advantage of being outside, are covered up.

Poor little guy.

He was pretty confused this morning, and even by early afternoon it still takes some real convincing for him to relax and proceed with the objective of our outings.

The snow covers everything.

Almost exactly like the image Isaiah uses in the first chapter of his book in the Bible: bright shining sins becoming white as snow.  (Isaiah 1:18)

The snow covers everything, almost exactly like that.  Two quick differences:

1. The snow covers Martin’s favorite spots.  But God doesn’t just cover up our sins, God’s love changes them.  And us.

2. The snow will melt.  But God’s love won’t go away.

Given those two things, join me in a prayer not about the weather, but a prayer about God’s promise of love and forgiveness and renewal in Isaiah 1:18 —“Let it snow, let it snow, let it snow!  Amen.”

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