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A Few Special Elements

September 29, 2015

“There’s a few special elements we believe rock solid,” Billy began.

Billy Gibbons was speaking about an upcoming tour sharing the spotlight with Jeff Beck. Both are guitar players.

Billy’s one-third of the trio known as “that li’l ol’ band from Texas,” ZZ Top. Jeff Beck has a stellar career as “a guitar player’s guitar player.”

“There’s a few special elements we believe rock solid,” Billy began, grammar notwithstanding. “And getting in tune and in time certainly ain’t a bad start.”

He’s pretty clear: “in tune and in time.”

With whom are you “in tune and in time” today?

Who needs to get “in tune and in time” with you today?

And what happens once you’re “in tune and in time” with each other?

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One Comment
  1. The Ocean!!


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