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The Only Thing That’s Changed

September 28, 2015

“The only thing that’s changed is everything,” say the ads for the new iPhone 6s.

Sounds familiar.

Saturday afternoon it was my honor to preach a funeral that was a Celebration of Life in every sense.  Part of the liturgy was this Scriptural promise: I make all things new. (Revelation 21:5)

The net result of Christ’s resurrection? “The only thing that’s changed is everything.”

Or as that mysterious and misunderstood last book of The Bible says, I make all things new.

That includes you and me.

That includes today.

That includes this new work week.

Because of The One who says I make all things new, what’s “changed is everything.”

Let’s notice and enjoy that, eh?




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  1. I see it in the next few hours!




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