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Just When I Think I’ve Heard Every Christmas Carol

December 24, 2014

Just when I think I’ve heard every Christmas Carol, along comes still another.  And it’s wonderful!

I went to see my mom at her nursing home and four guests were playing and singing Christmas music.  It was a superb program that included familiar favorites and a few newer songs of the season.

One in particular has haunted me.  I’ve tracked it down, and here are the lyrics, with a few lines highlighted by yours truly, for you to enjoy on this Christmas Eve day —

Soon the tiny child will come
as prophets have foretold
a tiny babe rules humble world
and will warm the winter cold
He will warm the winter cold

Soon a tiny child will come
those promises to fulfill
to live a moment here on earth
and do His father’s will
He will do His father’s will

But will we know Him when He comes
this little tiny king
will our hearts and minds be opened
to the joy He brings?

Soon the tiny child will come
prepare to let Him in
for He alone can make us whole
and free the world from sin
He will free the world from sin

And now the world awaits the News
we know the time is here
soon a star will light our winter’s night
to show He is here

Soon a tiny child will come
a gift from God above 
to teach us all to live in peace
and fill our lives with love
He will teach us how to love

— Amen, and may it be so.

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