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Sing and Shout for Joy!

December 23, 2014

Sing and Shout for Joy! is the title of the Christmas Cantata our choir did an outstanding job with this past weekend.

Sing and Shout for Joy! is an excellent summary of our job descriptions what we as followers of Christ Jesus have as our job description.

Sing and Shout for Joy! like the angels and the shepherds respectively in St. Luke’s version of that first Christmas.

Sing and Shout for Joy! could even be a greeting we share.

And, St. Francis would add, with his famous quote, paraphrased along the lines of  “always preach Christ, and if you have to, even use words sometimes” — Sing and Shout for Joy! and if you have to, even use words sometimes.

We’re within a couple of days of celebrating Christ’s birth, so let’s Sing and Shout for Joy! 

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