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What Special Needs Parents Wish You Knew

September 26, 2014

You have a friend with a special needs child of whatever age.

I’ll bet s/he would like you to read and heed the blog I’m linking you to at the end of my intro.

I’m obviously not a mom. But most of this translates to Dad World.

The “home schooling” part I know nothing about and have zero commentary on it.

But the 5 key points here…and the Comment section…they resonate with this dad of a special needs guy.  For example: “People that complain about taking their kids to their extracurriculars drive me bananas too. Be thankful your children can play soccer, play baseball, football etc. I won’t ever get the chance to be a team mom.”


Check out “5 Things Special Needs Moms Won’t Tell You” —

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One Comment
  1. Shared on my Facebook page. I have several friends who are moms of special needs kids! Thank you.


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