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Another Easter Song

April 26, 2013

“O sons and daughters, let us sing!

The King of heaven, the glorious King,

o’er death and hell rose triumphing.

Alleluia! Alleluia!”

 —verse 1 of  O Sons and Daughters, Let Us Sing

What song’s playing for you right now?

Nine verses long, this next Easter song in our hymnal tells of both the empty tomb and Thomas’ moment of understanding and faith.

The last verse starts by referencing John 20, How blest are they who have not seen, and yet whose faith hath constant been, pulling the entire song together.

How can you and I be among those whose faith hath constant been?  One answer is found in the first verse, calling us to sing of The Resurrected Christ.

What song do you have running through your head and heart today?  I’m gonna choose an Easter song.  Join me.

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