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Get a Gift: Living Frank’s Prayer, Part 12 of 14

February 24, 2012

“It is in giving that we receive”

Last time we were together here, I mentioned a song.  Its second verse:

“Through all our living, we our fruits must give.

Good works of service are for offering.

When we are giving, or when receiving,

we belong to God, we belong to God.”

Sometimes we are at one end of the giving-receiving equation, sometimes the other.  Usually we’re somewhere towards the middle.

You and I have enjoyed so many good gifts for so long that we take them for granted.  We’d do well to remember a favorite saying of a friend, “We are blessed to be a blessing.”

It’s cyclical.  Like water that rains down, waters the earth, and evaporates to rain again.

Today we’ll both give and get.  Was Frank right about this giving and getting connection?  Leave a comment and tell a part of your story here.  You get to share, we get to enjoy a moment of your life, and together we grow deeper and richer.

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  1. I like your thoughts about Frank’s prayer! It’s a prayer we all should keep in mind and think about more often.


  2. Thank you, Paul.

    Appreciate you checking in here!


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