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The 5 Words

May 26, 2024

Carrie Carrillo says a lot quite well here

My husband Joe and I argued today.

I couldn’t even tell you what it was about – something to do with a cell phone charger.

I mean, it was understandable.

A flight delay after vacation.

A missed connection.

A rush to book a hotel room for the night.

The stress of finding another flight.

All with three grumpy teenagers.

Then, sitting in another airport, waiting for another delayed flight to board.

So badly, I want to snipe back at him. To argue my point and make him understand why I was right.

Instead, I reminded myself of five words.

They are the five words I turn to when I’m tempted to react instead of listen.

The five words that slow everything down for just a moment.

They are a balm upon my nervous system, a fresh breath of air, a chance to see goodness.

This is just a moment.

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