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November 29, 2019

Be careful how you live.

Don’t live like fools,

but like those who are wise.

Make the most of every opportunity.

Ephesians 5

Drowning in social media as many of us are, we sometimes find ourselves in the depths of FOMO…that is, the Fear of Missing Out.

Someone has offered an antidote to FOMO, and calls it JOMO…that is, the Joy of Missing Out.

JOMO can only happen when we recapture even a semblence of control over our schedules and commitments.

Today is a good to practice JOMO, so where will you start?

And perhaps even more importantly, what will you do with the new-found freedom, and time, and energy JOMO gives you?

Be careful how you live. Don’t live like fools, but like those who are wise. Make the most of every opportunity, says Ephesians 5.

FOMO or JOMO, it’s your call.

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