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We Made the Front Page of USA Today

November 23, 2019

Jan Seals and her family go back farther than we’ll admit, having shared youth ministry and weddings and yeah just pretty much life in general. Long story short: I love Jan and Tom and their now-adult children!

It’s with her gracious permission that I can bring this to you today. She messaged yesterday —

So Tom goes and pick up a USA Today for me to have with my coffee this morning. This is on the front page! 

Breaks my heart…wish we could make the front page in a more positive way!

— I’m right there with Jan.

Bet you are, too.

A couple of ideas:

+ shine the spotlight on a local United Methodist Church where the people are doing the job we’re supposed to be doing: “Making disciples of Jesus Christ for the transformation of the world.”

+ let the word out about the enormous global impact we have through our United Methodist Committtee on Relief.

+ what would you add?

Please let me hear from you, and feel free to get specific.

Jan and I aren’t the only United Methodist Christians with broken hearts over all this lately,



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  1. madfp1 permalink

    Have church in the park, after you have invited everyone living there to join you! And being a guitar and assume no one knows the words to the songs and prayers!


  2. madfp1 permalink

    Bring a guitar!


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