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In the Darkness

June 27, 2019

“In the darkness, we found the light.”

That’s from the ads for the new VW micro-bus.

Sure sounds like a line from Advent or something, right?

And then we get to the rest of that line, which in its entirety is —

“In the darkness, we found the light. Introducing a new era of electric driving.”

— Lop off those last three words and it’s the Gospel: “In the darkness, we found the light. Introducing a new era.”

The people who live in darkness

have seen a great light

Matthew 4:16

I am making all things new

Revelation 21:5


— “In the darkness, we found the light. Introducing a new era.”

Let’s you and me remember that this week when we turn a light on or off.

And let’s live into that reality, starting today, with the very next thing we do.

Because, “In the darkness, we found the light. Introducing a new era.”




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