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If Paul Simpkins Can….

September 21, 2015

Do not grieve like the rest, who have no hope.

— 1st Thessalonians 4:13

Paul is a highly-respected deeply-loved colleague with whom I’ve shared joys and sorrows.

Paul’s wife’s funeral was a couple of years ago.

Paul’s son’s funeral was two days ago.

Saturday, by his son’s hearse, after all the words and hugs and tears, Paul said what I’ve come to think of as Paul’s Two Words. He says the same two words at the end of every conversation. Every email. Every note. Every message.

Every time: “Keep smilin’.”

He does. He keeps smilin’.

We can learn a lot from this amazing man, who knows how to grieve, but with hope in Christ.

This week: “Keep smilin’.”

Today: “Keep smilin’.”

If Paul Simpkins can….

Join me in keeping this family and their friends in your prayers.

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  1. P.D. permalink

    Thanks for those 2 words. Will add them to my daily vocabulary.


  2. My heart is broken for Paul and his family. I learned of his wife Pat’s death only recently. Was his son ill? Rev Paul Simpkins and his his wife Pat were our pastor and wife at St. John’s. The interim between Rev. Ray Porter’s departure and my departure (during Charlie Sward’s appt. there) were rocky ones for St. John’s in the pastor congregation juggle department. Paul and Pat were two of the kindest, gentle, purer souls I have had the opportunity to be ministered by. Pat was a sweetheart! I really didn’t see the need to request another change though I was not a member of the committees that mattered. My soul is aching in synch with his tonight.


  3. If Paul can!!


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