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December 28, 2014

“Keep us by your manger until we learn the way of love,” is part of a prayer in the book Common Prayer: A Liturgy for Ordinary Radicals.

Somebody told me they’d seen Valentine’s Day cards for sale on Dec. 26.  Sounds kinda like many of us: “Christmas Eve, done.  Christmas Day, done.  What’s next?  New Year’s Eve?  Lots to do to get ready!”

And then along comes Christ, inviting us to catch our breath before hurrying on to The Next Thing.

What if Christ Himself were our Next Thing?

“Keep us by your manger until we learn the way of love.”

Listen, and maybe today in worship you’ll hear Christ say, “Not so fast, my friend….”

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  1. I was at our Wal-Mart on Christmas Eve and headed straight for the seasonal aisle for stocking stuffers. I headed right for the snickers and before I picked them up, realized they were for Valentine’s Day. Shocked, I backed up my cart and found that one side of the aisle was what was left of Christmas candy, The other side of the aisle was teeming with Valentine candy from one end to the other. In fact, as I ventured forth, picking through the Christmas leftovers, A woman had a bag of snickers and I pointed out that they were for Valentine’s and she put them back immediately and then saw the change. It was sad. I was saddened!


  2. Dot permalink

    I like this: Keep us by your manger until we learn the way of love.


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