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In the Dark with Vincent

April 21, 2013

“Life here is a kind of sowing time,” begins a sentence he wrote.

It’s included in another movie at this year’s Roger Ebert Film Festival, The Life and Death of Vincent van Gogh.

Richly evocative, this documentary features actor John Hurt reading from Vincent’s letters to his brother as the voice-over.  The camera explores the backstories to Vincent’s paintings, his worldview, his creativity and his life path.

This film quotes Vincent, who described himself as a “failed evangelist,” as observing that “Life here is a kind of sowing time, but the harvest is not here.”

I was nodding in agreement as I scribbled that into my notebook in the darkness of the theater, but in the light of another day there’s something wrong with it.

Something’s missing.

What’s your reaction?

I’d love to hear from you, and I’ll see you back here tomorrow

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