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At the Movies with Joseph

February 21, 2012

Our son Joseph picked the film, took me to his favorite theater and paid for our tickets.

We  elbowed each other at key scenes and lines.

We  laughed and wanted to cheer.

Two sermon illustrations presented themselves onscreen; maybe four.

We even apparently had popcorn salt in our eyes because we kept wiping them.  But we had no popcorn.

As the credits began and the house lights came up, he turned to me and shouted, “I give it a One Hundred!”

“I wanna get a horse!” I heard myself shouting back while people in the aisles tried not to stare at us.

Who else has been equally in the  trenches with this film?

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  1. Jim permalink

    And the movie was…


  2. …practically perfect in every way, to quote a British woman. It’s Steven Spielberg galloping along from opening glimpse through closing sunset silhouette, bringing home another blockbuster classic, a real “War Horse” of a movie.

    Or maybe it was just being with Joseph that made it so enjoyable.


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