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Good News from God—about You

February 16, 2012

 ‘The Lord your God will take great delight in you,

and in his love will rejoice over you with singing.”

—Zephaniah 3:17

Re-read that a couple of times.

Go ahead, seriously: re-read that excerpt from that verse a couple of times.

It’s worth it.

And obviously God thinks you are, too.

Worth delighting in, and singing about.

God thinks you are worth delighting in and singing about.

And what was that other verb in there?  That’s right, “rejoice.”

God does that over you.

God rejoices.  Over you.  With singing.

My prayer for you is that you marinate in that verse today.

And I’d love to hear about it — feel free to leave a comment, and I’ll see you back here soon.

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One Comment
  1. Linda Walley Miller permalink

    Joe, love that message! Thanks.


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