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Joy: Living Frank’s Prayer, Part Seven

January 31, 2012

“Where there is sadness, let me sow joy”

Among my favorite things people say to me are these two: “You don’t look like a pastor” and “You don’t act like a pastor.”

Part of me wants to reply with a question about how is a pastor supposed to look…sickly, or pious?  Maybe a combination of the two would meet expectations.  After all, you and I both know pastors who are sickeningly pious.  Normally I simply say Thank You and go on with the conversation.

But that line about acting like a pastor.  I like to respond with something like “Really?  Wow.  How should a pastor act, that I’m not?”  The initial blank stare is almost always followed with something about enjoying life too much and generally not being dour.

Dour.  A great word for another time together.

For now, where did we get the idea that Christians in general and pastors in particular are to be harbingers of gloom?

 Sure didn’t come from Jesus.

Jesus, who was himself accused being the friend of the not-pious-enough. 

Jesus, who promises us “life abundantly” and “life in all of its fullness.”  (John 10:10)

Jesus, who brings, gives, and in very fact is, “Joy to the world.”  We sing that at Christmas but then forget.

Does this mean Christians don’t get sad?  Of course not.   Another topic for another time.

It does mean that we know how to get through the valleys in life that are filled with all sorts of shadows.  Check out Psalm 23 for a quick reminder.

And it does mean that we are to share our joy.  

Much more profound that mere happiness, joy is desperately needed.  Everywhere.  Maybe even in your church.

Look around today.  Wade into some of that sadness and let your joy slosh out.


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  1. My only question is what if someone said, “You remind me of Jesus”?


  2. Nanette Traband permalink

    I do barely remember you from our teens, I have to admit my eyes were more closely focused on your friend. When we connected again in my early 20s (I am three years younger) and have known each other since, I have always admired you being you. The pastor I have now and other pastors like you are the kind of pastors I love having lead the flock I am in!


  3. Honored to be in such company of such pastors, thank you!


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