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June 17, 2024

The Texas Quote of the Day:

“One of the secrets to my sound is almost beyond explanation. My battered old Martin guitar, Trigger, has the greatest tone I’ve ever heard from a guitar — and I’ve played a lot of guitars, including a lot of other Martins that were the exact same model as Trigger.

A lot of the guys in the band have been with me for decades, but Trigger has outlasted every musician I’ve played with, and after all these years, I have come to believe we were fated for each other.

The two of us even look alike. My musician pals haven’t carved and written their names on me the way they have on Trigger, but we’re both pretty bruised and battered.

The holes I’ve worn in Trigger are from my pick zinging up and down a million times on the face of an acoustic guitar that’s not supposed to be played with a pick, but at this point those holes are part of what makes Trigger sound exactly right.

I also play other guitars, of course, including a black electric Fender during the blues numbers on our show, but Trigger’s as much a part of my sound as the way I play.
If I picked the finest guitar made this year and tried to play my solos exactly the way you heard them on the radio or even at last night’s show, I’d always be a copy of myself and we’d all end up bored. But if I play the instrument that is now a part of me, and do it according to the way that feels right for me — in each place and time — then I’ll always be an original.”

—— Willie Nelson describes his relationship with Trigger, his famous guitar, in his excellent guide to life, “The Tao of Willie,” co-written by Turk Pipkin .

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