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Conni Helps Me Learn About Church…and Flash Mobs

January 6, 2012

“Wouldn’t it be fun to be a part of one of those?”

Conni, who along with Kim runs our place, was watching a video online while finishing her taco salad at her desk.

“I mean, look at those people!”

It was a flash mob, dancing in a mall singing a medley of Christmas Carols.

“Check out that guy, with the camera.  And look over there, in the red, dying to get in on it all!”

We watched.  We laughed.  We smiled.

One of us started humming along.  “That’s my favorite Christmas song, right there.”

A crunch of taco salad.

“What if church would be like that?  Coming out of the middle of everything else going on, but being different.”

The video ended.

“But letting everybody know they’re welcome to join in, not just watch.”

Her phone rang.

“Isn’t that what we’re supposed to be as a church?”

A second ring.  She reached for her phone.

“Isn’t that HOW we’re supposed to be?”

Your turn…leave a comment.

And I’ll see you back here soon.

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  1. Janet permalink

    I loved this! What keeps us from being this kind of church?


    • Thanks for reading, replying, and asking a great question!
      What do you think a couple of reasons are?
      And what are a couple of things that could change that?


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