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Living Frank’s Prayer, Part One.

January 2, 2012

Lord, make me an instrument of your peace. —St. Francis.

Whether or not you and I make New Years Resolutions, or regularly set goals for ourselves, or just wanna have a better day today…St. Francis sure gives us a great place to start.

So, what might living his prayer look like?

Does it mean starting a new habit?  Or interrupting ourselves when we’re about to do more harm than good?

Could it mean that we get out of our own way, or get out of God’s way, so that you and I can actually go ahead and be instruments of God’s peace today?

Let’s give it a try.  Let’s find out.   And I’d love to hear from you about this.

See you back here soon.

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  1. Joe,
    Isn’t it true and then there are also those times that God or his Spirit is like a freight train and plow you down.


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